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The Luckman - named after Sid Luckman, a Chicago Bears legend. Made in our vintage cream yarn with a navy heel and toe. Contains 86% cotton, 13% polyamide and 1% elastane for extra comfort and durability. Finished with a soft elasticated top in orange, for extra hold.

One Size 7-11

Handmade in Inverness, Scotland, these cotton socks are sustainably made in small batches, inspired by the dramatic Highland Coastlines and the need for warmth and comfort. 

Growing up in the 80's and being inspired by American Sportwear, Varsity fonts and colourways from the 'Big Four' has helped create these timeless, preppy designs.

Produced in a small, family run factory way up in the Scottish Highlands. 

A percentage of each sale will go to UK CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) - a charity that campaign tirelessly for the prevention against suicide and creates awareness about mental health -